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Saturday, December 1, 2012

postheadericon December Blog Train - Glimmer Celebrations

Welcome to Creatively Scrappin's blog train! We are so glad you joined us here for our blog train take off! There are lots of freebie goodies here for you to grab :) Make sure you leave some love at each stop if you download!

Please keep in mind that our designers are all over the world so if their freebie is not up yet please keep checking back but they will all be on their blogs by the end of the day :)

This months theme was Glimmer Celebrations! No preview this time bc I can not get photobucket to work right but have a awesome time snagging your goodies :D
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

postheadericon Decembers Blog Train Theme/Colors

Here is this months color palette and theme. If you would like to join us in this new adventure and participate in the blog train just join our yahoo group HERE and fill out the database for this months train so I know who all to add to the blog roll!
Previews are due November 29th and the train will take off on December 1st! We also accept anything PSP related as blog train contributions! Full size kits, tagger size kits, cu items, animations, posers, tag templates etc as long as it sticks to the colors and theme chosen!

Only use these colors if you are participating in the blog train thanks so much!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

postheadericon Septembers Train October Treats

Welcome to Creatively Scrappin's blog train! We are so glad you joined us here for our blog train take off! There are lots of freebie goodies here for you to grab :) Make sure you leave some love at each stop if you download!

Please keep in mind that our designers are all over the world so if their freebie is not up yet please keep checking back but they will all be on their blogs by the end of the day :)

This months theme was October Treats! No preview this time everyone but have a awesome time snagging your goodies :D


Alika's Scraps
Millie's Psp Madness
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

postheadericon August Train Feel The Rock

Welcome to Creatively Scrappin's blog train! We are so glad you joined us here for our blog train take off! There are lots of freebie goodies here for you to grab :) Make sure you leave some love at each stop if you download!

Please keep in mind that our designers are all over the world so if their freebie is not up yet please keep checking back but they will all be on their blogs by the end of the day :)


Alika's Scraps
Killer Kitty's Killer Kreations
Creation By SanieLink
Monday, July 16, 2012

postheadericon August Theme/Colors

Here is this months color palette and theme. If you would like to join us in this new adventure and participate in the blog train just join our yahoo group HERE and fill out the database for this months train so I know who all to add to the blog roll!
Previews are due August 13th and the train will take off on August 15th! We also accept anything PSP related as blog train contributions! Full size kits, tagger size kits, cu items, animations, posers, tag templates etc as long as it sticks to the colors and theme chosen!

Only use these colors if you are participating in the blog train thanks so much!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

postheadericon June Blog Train - Summer Desserts

Welcome to Creatively Scrappin's blog train! We are so glad you joined us here for our blog train take off! There are lots of freebie goodies here for you to grab :) Make sure you leave some love at each stop if you download!

Please keep in mind that our designers are all over the world so if their freebie is not up yet please keep checking back but they will all be on their blogs by the end of the day :)


Alika's Scraps
Monday, May 14, 2012

postheadericon June Blog Train Theme/Colors

Here is this months color palette and theme. If you would like to join us in this new adventure and participate in the blog train just join our yahoo group HERE and fill out the database for this months train so I know who all to add to the blog roll!
Previews are due May 30th and the train will take off on June 1st! We also accept anything PSP related as blog train contributions! Full size kits, tagger size kits, cu items, animations, posers, tag templates etc as long as it sticks to the colors and theme chosen!

Only use these colors if you are participating in the blog train thanks so much!
About Us
We are a PSP related blog train that takes off once a month, members of the Scrapping/PSP community come together to make FTU scrapkits, cu products, animations, posers, tag templates and etc that we all use to design! You can always find the blog roll here on this blog the first day of each month to grab all the freebie goodies each participating designer as contributed! We look forward to providing the community with the best quality products around for your enjoyment! If you would like to participate in the blog trains (monthly participation is not required) just join us over at our yahoo group HERE
August Designers
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket